Sir Michael Craig-Martin @ The RA

A mirror image composition

The above two pieces - show me how putting various objects together need not be the same.

one uses many different kinds of chairs to help bring the piece together.

while the other, the largest painting of his career so far, uses a mirror image with a globe in the centre. perhaps telling us that the basics objects put to use are the same around the globe.

As the show ended with a digital art piece like many other shows. A minimalistic approach to the digital space was what caught my eye.

There was a lot to take back from the works of Sir Michael Craig-Martin. I look forward to experimenting with colour pallets in my work.

Subjects used for the works were inspired by every day objects.

As a nature lover, my favourite pieces were the fruit and vegetable paintings on metal board and Acrylic.

The use of different colours to the actual ones made the pieces more interesting with dissection of melon and citrus adding to the composition.

A brief guide to my favourite pieces from the show at The Royal academy of the arts, London.

As the well curated summer show at the RA by Sir Michael Craig-Martin ended.

I decided take time to spend a weekend looking into the colourful works of his 60 year career.

The galleries were transformed into colourful rooms, with art works carried from walls to an array of works from sculptural, paintings on canvas, metal that bought the space together and a room with conceptual digital art work.

I have also decided to spend the rest of the weekend painting one of my own pieces like Sir Michael Craig-Martin. have a look at the end.

As composition played a huge part. The piece with the watch and the sole of a shoe, simple yet ads the interlink between time and everyday life for me.

Spending a weekend painting